



Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Durian Sticky Rice

Durian fruit is one of the first specialty of the South, who was dubbed "the first world" by taste and its medicinal uses. Durian is considered to bring many health benefits such as preventing anemia, helps digestion, constipation and repel very good for the skin.
Taste durian can see lots of candies, cakes, drinks or ice cream, soup bone tunnel even ... but durian sticky rice you bring a particular taste, each grain sticky rice with green bean blends supple, sweet choking smell of durian eating very interesting.
Sticky rice dish is quite delicious, interesting, combined with the processing in accordance with the customers taste. If you like to eat salty sticky rice, sticky rice can use chicken, sticky rice with dried shrimp, sausage away, but if you like to eat sweet sticky rice, you can easily find a dish like that as sticky coconut sticky rice, sticky rice green beans ... In particular, durian sticky rice is very delicious dishes and sauces start from the start because there are very fragrant durian. This is a popular dish, combine the ingredients artfully pleasing tastes of many customers.
Materials used to cook this simple dish of sticky rice with durian fruits are specialties of the Mekong Delta, with more citrus, soft saffron rice, the fat, sweet, warm aroma characteristics. Squeezed coconut juice.
Sticky plastic washed, soaked in water for about 4 hours cold, and then draw up north exciting pulse. Sticky rice is very sticky type (and not rice and impurities), old, long-grain, sticky weight much less depending on the food.
In the time digging away for memory are interesting. When nine-fold, pour out brass, mixed into one little bit salty taste of coconut water (200 ml). Wait about 5 minutes for the coconut sticky rice is done drain. Durian Fever will be processed by taking coconut water (400 ml), for heating up the kitchen, then stir in the durian meat, seasoning to taste sugar. Add the flour little gelatinous Shakespeare is finished.

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