



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Food in Viet Nam

Vietnamese cuisine encompasses the foods and beverages of Vietnam, and features a combination of five fundamental taste elements (Vietnamese: ngũ vị) in the overall meal.Each Vietnamese dish has a distinctive flavor which reflects one or more of these elements. Common ingredients include fish sauce, shrimp paste, soy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, and fruits and vegetables. Vietnamese recipes use lemongrass, ginger, mint, Vietnamese mint, long coriander, Saigon cinnamon, bird's eye chili, lime, and basil leaves. Traditional Vietnamese cooking is greatly admired for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of oil, and reliance on herbs and vegetables. With the balance between fresh herbs and meats and a selective use of spices to reach a fine taste, Vietnamese food is considered one of the healthiest cuisines worldwide.
 Cuisine of Vietnam Varies From Region to Region
The Vietnamese cooking methods include braising, simmering, steaming, grilling, and stir-frying. We use little or no oil in cooking even for stir-fried dishes. The cuisine of Vietnam varies from region to region: in the North, less fresh produce and herbs are available due to the cooler climate. In this region, black pepper is the main seasoning. Stir-fried dishes are very popular, due probably to the Chinese influence. Very hot and spicy food is found in the Center. Southern Vietnam's cooking includes a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and spices, and sugar is a common ingredient in many dishes. The influence of India is apparent in the South, as curry dishes are very popular in this region. Also, French influence can be found throughout Vietnam, but particularly in the South, where white potatoes, asparagus, and even French baguette are often-used reminders of France's long presence in Vietnam. Despite influences from other countries, Vietnamese food is unique.
  Please come to Vietnam and you can enjoy many kinds of local food such as special noodle soup (pho), spring rolls, grilled shrimp paste, grilled minced fish, etc.

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